A quick word on what we’re up to, where we’re at, and how it relates to you. The album keeps inching toward a real life outside its home in that beautiful, leaking basement we call Home Base in Roxbury. We’re actually kicking around titles and track orders and starting to line-up the guest stars to play those things we can’t fake. We’re shooting to have the whole thing finished by October and for anyone waiting, we promise that the new album is going to be really great. We still enjoy listening to it after far too long thinking, emailing, and talking about it. We’re looking forward to some fun band stuff when the work is done, like touring a little bit, and getting out of our home city (cities!), drinking and sleeping on a floor as opposed to huffing it home at 3 in the morning and sleeping against a bass drum or amplifier while Chris gets wired and stays up all night. Not that we’re complaining. We love it. And miss it and can’t wait to do it all again.
We have two shows coming up that are going to be great. July 28th at PA’s is in honor of our very amazing friend (and fine songwriter in his own right) John O’Hara. We’re playing with Writers in Crisis and Tricunx, featuring some more amazing friends from the Operators. On August 3rd, we’re back at PA’s to officially celebrate the release of the Little Airplane Heart 7″. It’s with the amazingest Jennifer O’Connor, Clint MI and Amy Bezunarta, and Hilken Mancini. What do you mean you haven’t bought your copy yet? That would explain all that clear red vinyl crowding our floor. By all means, come to the show and buy it or order from us or Kiamrecords.
Pardon us,
Vince, Chris and Jon